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Guangdong, Qifang fulfillment of academic exchange2016-02-25 10:47:11
On June 4 to 11, 2015, our company in jiangxi jinggangshan university affiliated hospital neurology, neurosurgery, ICU, emergency department, and the nanchang railway hospital emergency department, were successfully conducted naloxone academic communication, discusses the naloxone in the above department as a large dose of the clinical value of brain protective agent, eliminates the prescription obstacles in the process of a doctor's medication. After the meeting also on high-dose naloxone usage and dosage, large dose if you need, naloxone infusion pump as the basis of cranial nerve protectant, large dose use of common problems such as safety, use, reimbursement made in-depth discussions, academic atmosphere is strong.


Through this meeting, drive the dosage of naloxone in target department related to hospital, and hope that the jinggangshan university affiliated hospital to forge a region of jiangxi province, nanchang railway hospital model of hospital.

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